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Repository Structure

Repository Structure

  • src/manta/ contains the Python source needed to generate and run the cores.
  • test/ contains Manta's tests, which are a mix of functional simulations and hardware-in-the-loop testing. These tests leverage the pytest testing framework.
  • doc/ contains the documentation you're reading right now!
  • examples/ contains examples of Manta being used in designs for a handful of FPGA boards.
  • .github/ contains GitHub Actions workflows for automatically running the tests and building the documentation site on every commit.

Tools Used

GitHub Actions Setup

Since Vivado is large and requires individual licenses, it is run on a private server, which is configured as a self-hosted runner in GitHub Actions. This is a virtual server hosted with KVM/QEMU and managed by libvirt, which is configured as transient so that it reloads its state from a snapshot periodically. A Nexys4 DDR and Icestick are connected to the physical machine and passthrough-ed to this VM so that continuous integration can check against real hardware.